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Olivier Maurey, The age of Sounds
This section is dedicated to /xyz commands that can be used for the city and CoD.
Thanks to Grandbad, Ro, Abjab and Hawkster for these coordinates :)
Always start at /a then type the /xyz locations below.
Lagoon /xyz 99 -567 -200
Broken Bridge /xyz 300 300 300
Top of Great Zero /xyz 0 800 1300
Left side of Arch /xyz 325 -1855 -100
Right side of Arch /xyz -325 -1855 -100
Top of Sign /xyz -37 -40 10 (CoD only)
Dakotah Rooftop /xyz -60 -200 0
Houseboat /xyz -325 -1255 -205
New Dance Floor /xyz 0 525 404
Barge /xyz 339 -1247 -18
Little island /xyz -354 -686 -190
Top building /xyz -85 -254 -45
Ferry Terminal link in spot /xyz -18 -400 -214
Palace Alcove link in spot /xyz 217 150 70
Library Courtyard link in spot /xyz 868 -472 40
Tokotah Alley link in spot /xyz -179 -91 -22
Concert Hall Foyer link in spot /xyz 328 -410 17
Gameboard under Plaza /float /xyz 0 105 -240 (CoD only)
Under the Imager Platform /xyz 117 -57 -31 (CoD only)
Middle of Bridge /xyz 489 -202 72
Minkata soccer ball : /xyz -830 -2120 1